© frederique daubal 2000-2024 Indexhibit
pièce unique "Angharad Lewis, at Grafik magazine said:
Anarchic fashion designer Frédérique Daubal makes garments that explore identity and that test the boudaries of conventional ideas about clothes.
Her latest collection of sweaters, My Acquaintance et Moi, toys mercilessly with the notion of the ‘designer label’, satirising the relinquishing of personal identity that comes from decking yourself out in ‘name’ clothes. Each sweater is emblazoned with the name of a person who means something to Daubal.
As she says, the collection “was inspired by people-or let’s say ‘my’ people-friends, family, lovers, partners, clients, people I work with, ones I met only once but who stay in my mind… I drew all the names by hand thinking of each person at the time, or a fusion of a few if they have the same name.” With their hand-rendered style the sweaters keep the spontaneous spirit in which they were created. And rather than be a boring label-slave, with these you can lose yourself to fantasy and be a “Frederique” or a “Charles” or a “Frank” for the day… 2005